No. |
Sutra Name |
Translators |
Description |
Agama Group
(0001 - 0151): |
0001 |
Buddhayasas,ZhuFoNian |
Longer Agama sutra Dirgh-agama
Sutta Digha-nikaya Sutta |
T.W.Rhys Davis |
0026 |
Gautama,Sanghadeva |
Madhyam-agama Sutta Majjhima Nikaya Sutta |
Sister Upalavanna |
0099 |
Gunabhadra |
Samyukt-agama Sutta Samyutta Nikaya |
Bhikkhuni Uppalavanna |
Sanskrit |
Pratītyasamutpādādivibhaṅganirdeśasūtram |
0124 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
0125 |
Gautama,Sanghadeva |
Ekottara-agama Sutta Anguttara Nikaya |
Khuddaka Nikaya |
Causality Group (0152 - 0219): |
Sanskrit |
sūtram |
Sakyamuni Buddha's great vows |
0157 |
Dharmaksema |
0158 |
English |
Compassionate Lotus Sutra (Partial) |
Silfong Tsun |
Compassionate Lotus Sutra (Partial) |
Sanskrit |
Lalitavistaraḥ |
0187 |
Divakara |
Tibetan |
The Exalted Sutra of the Greater Way entitled _The Sutra of
Cosmic Play |
0192 |
Dharmaraksa |
The Glorification for the Buddha's Legend |
Samuel Beal |
0209 |
Gunaviddhi |
One Hundred Fables Sutra (The Hundred Parables Sutra)
Tetcheng Liao |
0210 |
Vighna |
Dhamma-pada |
Dhammapada (Chinese-English Version) |
0217 |
I-ching |
The Parable Sutra |
Charles Patton |
Parable Sutra (PDF) |
Prajna Group
(0220 - 0261): |
0220 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
Tibetan |
Sutra on the Perfection of Wisdom in 25000 Verses |
English |
The Large Sutra On Perfect Wisdom (PDF) (brief
translation) |
Edward Conze |
Perfection of Wisdom in 700 Lines |
Sanskrit |
prajñāpāramitā |
0227 |
Kumarajiva |
0228 |
Danapala |
Tibetan |
The Exalted Sutra on the Perfection of Wisdom in 8000
Verses |
English |
The Prajna Paramita Sutra on the Buddha-Mother's Producing
the Three Dharma Treasures, Spoken by the Buddha |
Richard Babcock |
Hungarian |
A mindentudás gyakorlása (részletek) |
Tamás Agócs |
Sanskrit |
Ratnaguṇasaṁcayagāthā |
0229 |
Faad-Yin |
English |
Verses On The Perfection Of Wisdom |
Edward Conze |
0232 |
Mandra |
English |
Sūtra of
Mahā-Prajñā-Pāramitā Pronounced by Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva |
Rulu |
Sanskrit |
Vajracchedikā nāma
triśatikā prajñāpāramitā |
A very famous Sutra |
0235 |
Kumarajiva |
Tibetan |
The Exalted Sutra on the Perfection of Wisdom entitled The
Diamond Cutter |
English |
Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra |
B.T.T.S. |
Vajra Sutra (Chinese-English) |
Diamond-cutter, the blessed Prajna paramita |
E.B.Cowell, F.Max Mulller, and J. Takakusu |
Diamond Sutra (PDF) |
Charles Patton |
Diamond Sutra (CHM) |
A.F.Price & Wong Mou-Lam |
The Diamond Sutra (PDF) |
Lobsang Chunzin & Michael Roach |
The Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra |
Provided by The Plum Village and SUNY Stony Brook
The Diamond Perfection of Wisdom Sutra |
Charles Luk |
Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra with Commentary by Venerable
Master Hsuan Hua (PDF) |
Hungarian |
Gyémánt szútra |
Zsolt Hadházi |
Russian |
Dutch |
De Diamant Sutra |
Bhiksuni Rátana |
Sanskrit |
Adhyardhaśatikā prajñāpāramitā |
0240 |
Bodhiruci |
0241 |
Vajrabodhi |
0242 |
Danapala |
0243 |
Amoghavajra |
Sanskrit |
Kauśikaprajñāpāramitāsūtram |
0249 |
Danapala |
Sanskrit |
Prajñāpāramitāhṛdayasūtram (saṁkṣiptamātṛkā) |
A very famous sutra |
0250 |
Kumarajiva |
English |
Sūtra of
the Great Illumination Mantra of Mahā-Prajñā-Pāramitā |
Rulu |
0251 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
English |
Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra |
B.T.T.S. |
The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (PDF) |
Charles D. Patton |
The Heart Sutra |
E. Conze |
The great wisdom of the heart sutra |
Dragon Flower Ch'an Temple |
The Heart Sutra |
San Francisco Zen Center |
Heart Sutra |
Dharma Master Lok To |
Heart Sutra |
Zuio H. Inagaki |
Sūtra of
the Heart of Prajñā-Pāramitā |
Rulu |
The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra, with the Commentary of
the Venerable Master Hsun Hua (PDF) |
Hungarian |
Szív szútra |
Zsolt Hadházi |
Latin |
Sutra Cordis Magnae Sapientiae Transcendentis |
Dutch |
De Hart Sutra |
Rob Janssen |
De Hart Sutra |
Hongaku Zeshin |
Het Hart van Overschrijdende Wijsheid |
Ad van Dun |
Esperanto |
Esenca Sutro Por Saĝo-perfektigo |
IKEDA Hiroŝi |
0252 |
Dharmacandra |
Sūtra of
the All-encompassing Knowledge Store, the Heart of
Prajñā-Pāramitā |
Rulu |
Sanskrit |
Prajñāpāramitāhṛdayasutram (vistaramātṛkā) |
0253 |
Prajna & Leyin |
0254 |
Prajnacakra |
0255 |
Faad-Sing |
Tibetan |
Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra (Tibetan-Chinese) |
The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom sutra
(Tibetan-English) |
Ven. Thubten Tsultrim |
Heart Sutra (Tibetan-English) |
Lobsang Chunzin & Michael Roach |
English |
The Larger
Prajñā Pāramitā Hṛdaya Sutra |
Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra (Extended Edition) |
Jan Nattier |
Italian |
Sutra del Cuore |
Dutch |
De Hart Sutra |
Marcel Bertens |
0256 |
Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra in Sanskrit |
The Heart Sutra in Buddhist Sanskrit |
Sanskrit |
prajñāpāramitā |
0258 |
Tin Seek Joy |
Dharma Lotus
Group (0262 - 0277): |
Sanskrit |
Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtram |
The king of sutras |
0262 |
Kumarajiva |
Tibetan |
The White Lotus Sutra |
English |
Wonderful Dharma Lotus Sutra |
B.T.T.S. |
The Lotus Sutra (copyrighted) |
Burton Watson |
Saddharma-Pundarika Sutra |
from BIONA |
The Lotus Sutra (CHM) |
H.Kern |
Universal Door Chapter (Chinese-English) |
B.T.T.S. |
Dharma Lotus Sutra (Chapters 14-28) with the Commentary of Tripitaka Master
Hsuan Hua (CHM) |
Indonesian |
Saddharma Pundarika Sutra |
Giriputra Soemarsono dan Drs.Oka Diputhera |
0270 |
Gunabhadra |
English |
Sutra of the Great Dharma Drum |
Rulu |
0273 |
A profound and powerful sutra |
English |
Vajra Samadhi Sutra |
K C Oon |
Hungarian |
Vadzsraszamádhi szútra (részletek) |
Zsolt Hadházi |
0275 |
Vinitaruci |
Mahayana Vaipulya Sutra of Total Retention |
Rulu |
0276 |
Dharmamita |
The treasure of half the Buddha-country
The Sutra of Innumerable Meanings |
Provided by BIONA |
Sūtra of
Immeasurable Meaning |
Rulu |
0277 |
Dharmamita |
The profound teachings |
The Sutra of Meditation on The Bodhisattva Universal
Virtue |
The Samantabhadra Contemplation Sutra (excerpt) |
B.T.T.S. |
(Flower Ornament) Group (0278 - 0309): |
0279 |
(80 volumes) |
Siksananda |
The Buddha's Dharma Body |
The Flower Ornament Sutra (excerpts from Book
1,2,3,4,11,26,33,37,39) |
B.T.T.S. / Thomas Cleary / Cheng Chien Bhikshu |
The Flower Ornament Scripture |
Thomas Cleary |
The Flower
Adornment Sutra with Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua |
Sanskrit |
Daśabhūmikasūtram |
0287 |
Siladharma |
Sanskrit |
sūtram |
The Dharma Body of the Buddha |
0293 |
(40 Volumes) |
Prajna |
English |
Volume 40: The Practices
and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva |
Simpei Shao |
Volume 40: The
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva (PDF) |
Upasika Chihmann |
Volume 40: The
Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra (excerpt) |
B.T.T.S |
Mahāvaipulya Sūtra of Buddha Adornment, Fascicle 40 |
Rulu |
Related: The Flower Adornment Repentance Ceremony of the Conduct and
Vows of Universal Worthy |
0301 |
Siksananda |
The unimaginable liberation |
English |
Tathagata's Unimaginable State Sutra |
Silfong Tsun |
Mahāvaipulya Sūtra of the Tathāgata's Inconceivable
State |
Rulu |
Hungarian |
Tathágata Elképzelhetetlen Állapota (részletek) |
Zsolt Hadházi |
Accumulation Group (0310 - 0373): |
0310 |
Ratnakuta Sutra |
Bodhiruci |
A collection of Mahayana sutras |
English |
-- The Gangottara Sutra |
from BIONA |
Hungarian |
A Gangóttara szútra |
Zsolt Hadházi |
0326 |
Amoghavajra |
The Bodhisattva's Confession of Moral Downfalls
Confess by reciting the names of the 35 Buddhas |
from BIONA |
0347 |
Divakara |
Sūtra of Consciousness Revealed |
Rulu |
0340 |
Bodhiruci |
The unimaginable liberation |
Manjusri speaks the Inconceivable State of Buddhahood Sutra
(excerpt, brief translation) |
unkown |
Sanskrit |
sūtram |
0352 |
Danapala |
0353 |
Gunabhadra |
Single-vehicle teaching |
Sutra on The Lion's Roar of Queen Srimala |
Alex & Hideko Wayman |
Pure Land
Sutras (0360 - 0373): |
0360 |
Samgha-varman |
The famous 48 vows of Amitabha Buddha
Buddha Speaks Infinite Life Sutra |
Hisao Inagaki |
Infinite Life Sutra (Chinese-English) |
The Sacred Vows from The Sutra of Infinite Life (excerpt)
Pronounces the Sūtra of Amitāyus Buddha |
Rulu |
Sanskrit |
(vistaramātṛkā) |
Pure land sutra |
0363 |
Faad Yin |
English |
Buddha Speaks Mahayana Eternal Life Sublime Sutra |
F.Max Mueller |
0365 |
Kalayasa |
Meditate the form of Infinite Life Buddha
The Sutra of Contemplation on Buddha Amitayus |
J. Takakusu |
The Visualization Of the Buddha of Infinite Life Span
Sutra (PDF) |
Charles Patton |
The Sutra of Visualization of the Buddha of Infinite Life
Cloud Water Zendo |
The sutra on contemplation of Amitayus |
Hisao Inagaki |
Contemplation Sutra (Chinese-English) |
Pronounces the Sūtra of Visualization of Infinite Life Buddha |
Rulu |
Sanskrit |
(saṁkṣiptamātṛkā) |
A brief introduction to Amitabha's pure land
0366 |
Kumarajiva |
Tibetan |
Sutra of Heaven of the Happiness |
English |
Buddha speaks Amitabha Sutra |
B.T.T.S. |
The Amitabha Sutra |
J.C. Cleary |
The Buddha's Expounding of the Amitabha Sutra |
The Dragon Flower Ch'an Temple |
The AMIDA SUTRA (copyrighted) |
Hisao Inagaki |
The Sutra on the Buddha Amitayus |
Nishu Utsuki |
Pronounces the Sūtra of Amitābha Buddha |
Rulu |
Amitabha Sutra with commentaries of Venerable Master Hsuan
Hua (PDF) |
Hungarian |
Amitábha szútra |
Zsolt Hadházi |
Japanese |
0367 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
Another version of Amitabha Sutra |
Sanskrit |
(saṁkṣiptamātṛkā) |
English |
The Smaller Pure Land Sutra |
Charles Patton |
Sutra On Praise Of The Pure Land And Protection By Shakyamuni |
Hisao Inagaki |
The Sutra On Praise Of The Pure Land
(Chinese-English) |
F. Max Muller |
0371 |
Dharmodgata |
Avalokitesvara will become a Buddha after
Amitabha's Nirvana |
English |
Sūtra of
the Prophecy Bestowed upon Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva |
Rulu |
Group (0374 - 0396): |
0375 |
Dharmaksema |
The Buddha's ultimate teachings |
English |
Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra |
Kosho Yamamoto |
The Great Parinirvana Sutra (Partial) |
Charles Patton |
German |
edle Mahayana Mahaparinirvana-Sutra |
Dr. Tony Page |
0389 |
Kumarajiva |
The Buddha's bequeathed teaching |
Sutra On The Buddha's Bequeathed Teaching |
B.T.T.S. |
Sutra on the Buddha's Bequeathed Teaching
(Chinese-English) |
The discourse of the teaching bequeathed by the
Buddha |
Provided by B.A.U.S. |
0396 |
The Sutra Preached by the Buddha on the Total Extinction of
the Dharma |
Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of the Total Annihilation of the
Dharma |
Rulu |
Collection Group (0397 - 0424): |
Sanskrit |
Mahāsannipātaratnaketudhāraṇī sūtraṁ |
0402 |
Prabhakaramitra |
0412 |
Siksananda |
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's causal-ground vows.
An entrance of Mahayana |
Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva |
B.T.T.S. |
Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra (Chinese-English) |
The Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha's Fundamental Vows
Tao-tsi Shih (STCUC) |
The Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha's Fundamental Vows
(CHM) |
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra |
Yih-Mei Guo |
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra (CHM) |
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra (PDF) |
Pitt Chin Hui |
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Fundamental Vow Sutra |
Johnny Yu |
0417 |
Lokaksema |
Pratyutpanna-Samadhi Sutra (Partial) |
Zuio Hisao Inagaki |
Buddha Pronounces the
Sūtra of the Pratyutpanna Buddha Sammukhāvasthita Samādhi |
Rulu |
Sanskrit |
sūtram |
The merits gained by reading this Sutra are
countless |
0423 |
Upasunya |
0424 |
Danapala |
English |
Sanghata Sutra (Partial) |
Silfong Tsun |
Sanghata Sutra (PDF) |
Lhundup Damcho |
Collection Group (0425 - 0847): |
Sanskrit |
Bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabharājasūtram |
Bhaisajya Guru Buddha's vows, and the Bhaisajya
Guru Mantra |
0449 |
Dharmagupta |
0450 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
English |
Medicine Master Buddha Sutra |
B.T.T.S. |
Medicine Master Buddha Sutra (Chinese-English) |
The Sutra of the Master of Healing |
Chow Su-Chia |
Sutra of Medicine Guru Buddha |
Yutang Lin |
Medicine Master Buddha Sutra (PDF) |
Minh Thanh |
Audio |
Master Buddha Dharani (736 KB) |
Sanskrit |
Ārya ṁaitreya-vyākaraṇaṁ |
0455 |
Yi-Tzing |
0456 |
Kumarajiva |
Pronounces the Sūtra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of
Buddhahood |
Rulu |
Sanskrit |
nāma mahāyānasūtram |
The world is like a mirror, which reflects
your good and bad deeds |
0474 |
Tzee-Him |
0475 |
Kumarajiva |
0476 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
Tibetan |
Sutra of Vimalakirta |
Japanese |
English |
Vimalakirti Sutra |
A.F.Thurman |
Vimalakirti Sutra (Chinese-English) |
The Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra |
Charles Luk |
Russian |
Sanskrit |
Bhavasaṅkrāntisūtram |
0575 |
Bodhiruci |
0576 |
Buddhasanta |
0577 |
Yi-Tzing |
Sanskrit |
Āryasāgaranāgarājaparipṛcchā nāma
mahāyānasūtram |
0599 |
Yi-Tzing |
English |
The Dharma-Seal Sutra Spoken by the Buddha for Ocean Dragon
King |
0600 |
Siksananda |
Virtuous ways |
The Sutra On The Ten wholesome Ways Of Action |
Saddhaloka Bhikkhu |
The Sutra On The Ten wholesome Ways Of Action
(Chinese-English) |
Sūtra of
the Path of the Ten Good Karmas |
Rulu |
Sanskrit |
Samādhirājasūtram |
0639 |
Narendrayasas |
0642 |
Kumarajiva |
The King of all Samadhis |
Tibetan |
Dpa' bar 'gro ba'i ting nge 'dzin |
Sakyaprabha, Ratnaraksita |
Sanskrit |
Suvarṇaprabhāsasūtram |
The king of Sutras |
0663 |
Dharmaksema |
English |
Golden Light Sutra (PDF) |
Losang Dawa |
Dutch |
De Sūtra van het Gouden Licht |
Marc Sylvester van Druten |
French |
La noble et excellente lumière dorée, roi du recueil des
soutras (PDF) |
German |
Sútra vom Goldenen Licht (PDF) |
0666 |
Buddhabhadra |
Tathagata-Garbha, the innermost secret.
Tathagata-garbha Sutra |
William H. Grosnick |
0668 |
Bodhiruci |
Pronounces the Sūtra of Neither Increase nor Decrease |
Rulu |
Lankavatara Sutra (0670 - 0672): |
Sanskrit |
Saddharmalaṅkāvatārasūtram |
Tibetan |
Journey of Langka |
0670 |
Gunabhadra |
An important sutra of Dhyana School |
English |
Lankavatara-Rata Sutra (Partial translation) |
Suzuki and Goddard |
Dutch |
De Lankāvatāra Soetra
Bhiksuni Rátana |
0671 |
Bodhiruci |
An important sutra of Dhyana School |
English |
Chapter 16: Do not eat meat |
Silfong Tsun |
0672 |
Siksananda |
An important sutra of Dhyana School |
English |
Mahayana Lankavatara Sutra |
Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki |
0676 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
Tibetan |
The Exalted Sutra of the Greater Way entitled _A Commentary
on the Intent of the Sutras |
0685 |
Dharmaraksa |
The story of Maha-Maudgalyayan's saving his
mother |
Buddha Speaks the Ullambana Sutra |
B.T.T.S. |
Ullambana Sutra (Chinese-English) |
Indonesian |
Buddha membicarakan Ullambana Sutra |
Jasin Wang,
Jr. |
0692 |
Making Buddha Images will gain incalculable
merits |
English |
The Sutra on the Production of Buddha Images |
Robert H. Sharf |
Indonesian |
Sutra [Jasa Pahala] Membuat Patung Buddha |
Ivan Taniputera |
0698 |
Sig Yee Jing |
The Sutra On The Merit Of Bathing The Buddha |
Sanskrit |
Arthaviniścayasūtram |
0762 |
Faad-Yin |
0763 |
Gaam-Tzong-Tsee |
0779 |
Ashigao |
A short and easy to recite sutra |
The Eight Great Awakenings Sutra |
B.T.T.S. |
The Eight Enlightenment Sutra |
Dr.Tetcheng Liao |
The Eight Enlightenment Sutra |
Truong Giam Tan, Carole Melkonian |
The Enlightenment Sutra |
from Dragon's Gate Temple |
0784 |
Kasyapa-matanga & Tzoc-Faad-Larn |
English |
The Sutra in Forty-Two Sections |
B.T.T.S. |
The sutra of forty-two sections spoken by the Buddha
John Blofeld |
The Sutra in Forty-two Sections Spoken by the Buddha
Commentaries by Ven. Master Hsuan Hua |
The Sayings of the Buddha in Forty-Two Sections |
Kasyapa Matanga, Gobharana |
The Sutra of the Forty-Two Sections |
Hungarian |
A negyvenkét részes szútra |
Zsolt Hadházi |
Esperanto |
Okcidento |
0801 |
Yi-Tzing |
The Sutra on Impermanence |
ChungTai Zen Center |
0830 |
Divakara |
Sūtra of the Illuminating Everywhere Radiance-Store Wordless Dharma
Door |
Rulu |
0839 |
Bodhi Lamp |
Sūtra of
Detecting Good or Evil Karma and Requital, Fascicle 2 |
Rulu |
0842 |
Buddhatrata |
The Buddha's perfect awakening |
The Sutra of complete enlightenment |
Ven. Guo-go Bhikshu |
The Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment |
Charles Muller |
Teachings Group (0848 - 1420): |
Sanskrit |
Aparimitāyuḥ nāma
mahāyāna sūtram |
0936 |
0937 |
Faad-Tin |
English |
Sutra of the Great Vehicle called Unfathomable Exalted Life
and Transcendental Wisdom |
Lama Zopa Rinpoche |
Pronounces the Mahāyāna Sūtra of the Holy Infinite-Life Resolute Radiance King
Tathāgata Dhāraṇī |
Rulu |
Sutra of Boundless Life and Wisdom |
Adam Pearcey |
0945 |
Paramiti |
The topmost teaching come from the Buddha's
summit. |
Shurangama Sutra |
B.T.T.S. |
Shurangama Sutra (PDF) |
Charles Luk |
Shurangama Sutra (CHM) |
Great Might Arrived Bodhisattva's Thinking-of-the-Buddha as
the Perfect Passage |
Rulu |
Comment on the Sutra and Mantra by the Venerable Master Hsuan
Hua |
Surangama Sutra, with Comment on the Sutra and Mantra by the
Venerable Master Hsuan Hua (CHM) |
Audio: Shurangama Mantra Heart (217 KB) |
0967 |
Buddhapala |
A Powerful Dharani |
Usnisa Vijaya Dharani Sutra |
unknown |
Usnisa Vijaya Dharani Sutra (Chinese-English) |
0970 |
Divakara |
A Powerful Dharani |
Sūtra of
the Buddha-Crown Superb Victory Dhāraṇī |
Rulu |
0976 |
Sitātapatrā dhāraṇī |
Buddha-Summit White Umbrella Dharani |
Sa Law Bha |
1022 |
Amogha-vajra |
A Powerful Dharani |
Sūtra of
the Whole-Body Relic Treasure Chest Seal Dhāraṇī, The Heart Secret of All
Tathāgatas |
Rulu |
The Sutra Of Casket Seal Dharani From The Secret Whole
Bodies' Relics Of All Buddhas' hearts |
Lin Jian Shan |
The audio of this
Dharani:Sanskrit Chant(1.50MB) |
1029 |
The Sutra on the Dharani of Peaceful Home, Spoken by the
Buddha |
Ivan Taniputera |
Sanskrit |
Kāraṇḍavyūhaḥ |
Sutra of the famous Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum
1050 |
Tin Seek Joy |
English |
Buddha speaks Mahayana Sublime Treasure King Sutra |
Silfong Tsun |
Audio |
Om Ma Ni Pad
Me Hum(262K) Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum(119K) |
1060 |
Bhagavat-dharma |
Sutra of the famous Greate Compassion Dharani
English |
Great Compassion Dharani Sutra |
Silfong Tsun |
Indonesian |
Maha Karuna Dharani Sutra |
SarvaMangalam |
Related |
The Dharma of Repentance of the Great Compassion with a
Thousand Hands and a Thousand Eyes (Da Bei Chan) |
Audio |
The audio of this Dharani:
chant(4.75 MB) Sanskrit chant(2.3 MB) The Mudras |
Sanskrit |
Ekādaśamukham |
Eleven Faces Dharani |
1070 |
Yasogupta |
1077 |
Divakara |
Sutra of Cundi Dharani. |
Maha-Cundi Dharani Sutra |
unknown |
Pronounces the Sūtra of the Great Cundī Dhāraṇī, The Heart of the Mother of
Seven Koṭī Buddhas |
Rulu |
Audio: Cundi
Dharani(236K) Cundi Dharani(152K) Cundi Dharani Heart(118K) |
Sanskrit |
Ārya amoghapāśahṛdaya
nāma mahāyānasūtram |
A miraculous Dharani |
1094 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
English |
Amogha Pasha Hrdaya Dharani Sutra (brief translation)
1161 |
Kalayasa |
Medicine King Bodhisattva and Medicine Superior
Bodhisattva's Dharma |
Indonesian |
Bhaisajyaraja Saha Bhaisajyasamudgata Bodhisattva Dhyana
Sutra |
Upa. Arya Rasmiprabhamegha |
Sanskrit |
Āryamañjuśrīmūlakalpam |
1191 |
Tin Seek Joy |
1205 |
The Victorious Army's Moveless Luminous King and His
Forty-eight Followers' Secret Achievement Ceremony (excerpts) |
1206 |
The Sutra spoken by the Buddha on the Great Dragon Krkala's
Victory, the Exterior-Path Practitioners' surrender, and the Dharani |
Ivan Taniputera |
Sanskrit |
Āryaśrīmahādevīvyākaraṇam |
1253 |
Amoghavajra |
1325 |
Yi-Tzing |
Buddha Speakes the Sutra on Healing Haemorrhoids
(copyrighted) |
Yutang Lin |
1369 |
Siksananda |
The Dharani Sutra of Hundred Thousand Seals, Spoken by the
Buddha |
Ivan Taniputera |
1417 |
Āryavajravidāraṇā nāma
dhāraṇī |
Saraba |
Precepts Group
(1421 - 1504): |
1458 |
Yi-Tzing |
Tibetan |
A Brief Presentation of Vowed Morality |
1460 |
Prajnaruci |
Tibetan |
Sutra on the Vows of Individual Freedom |
1484 |
Kumarajiva |
Bodhisattva precepts |
The Brahma Net Sutra (concise translation) |
B.T.T.S. |
1486 |
Sūtra of Accepting the
Ten Good Karmas as Precepts |
Rulu |
1492 |
Ngon Sai Goe |
Buddha pronounces the
Repentance Sūtra in Response to Śāriputra |
Rulu |
Sanskrit |
Bodhisattva prātimokṣa
sūtram |
Bodhisattva precepts |
1499 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
Explanations Group (1505 - 1535): |
1514 |
Yi-Tzing |
English |
Verses Commenting On The Vajra Sutra Which Is Able To
Cut |
Russian |
Асанга. Разъяснение Ваджраччхедика-сутры |
1521 |
Kumarajiva |
The Discourse on the Ten Stages by Nagarjuna
(excerpt) |
Hisao Inagaki |
1524 |
Bodhiruci |
Upadeśa on
the Sūtra of Amitāyus Buddha |
Rulu |
Group (1536 - 1563): |
Sanskrit |
śāstram |
1544 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
Sanskrit |
Abhidharmakoṣakārikā |
1558 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
Tibetan |
Treasure House of Knowledge |
Autocommentary to the Treasure House of
Knowledge |
Contemplation Group (1564 - 1578): |
Sanskrit |
Madhyamakaśāstram |
1564 |
Kumarajiva |
Tibetan |
Wisdom, a Root Text on the Middle Way, Set in Verse |
English |
Verses from the Centre |
Stephen Batchelor |
Nargarjuna's MulamadhyamakaKarikas |
1568 |
Kumarajiva |
English |
Nagarjuna's Twelve Gate Treatise |
Hsueh-li Cheng |
1570 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
Chinese |
Faad Tziun |
English |
Treatise of the Four Hundred Stanzas |
1575 |
Danapala |
Tibetan |
Sixty Verses on Reasoning |
English |
Sixty Verses of Arguments |
Hungarian |
Érvelés hatvan versben |
Zsolt Hadházi |
Sanskrit |
Mahāyānaviṁśikā |
1576 |
Danapala |
English |
The Twenty Verses on the Great Vehicle |
Hungarian |
Húsz mahájána vers |
Zsolt Hadházi |
Dutch |
Nagarjuna's twintig zangen over de weg van het
midden |
Bhiksuni Rátana |
Yoga Group
(1579 - 1627): |
Sanskrit |
Bodhisattvabhūmiḥ |
1581 |
Dharmaksema |
Sanskrit |
Triṁśikāvijñaptikārikāḥ |
1586 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
Russian |
Васубандху «Тримшика» |
Sanskrit |
Viṁśatikākārikā |
1588 |
Gautamaprajna-ruci |
Sanskrit |
Viṁśatikā vijñaptimātratāsiddhiḥ |
1590 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
1600 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
Tibetan |
Commentary upon Distinguishing the Middle and the
Extremes |
Sanskrit |
kārikāḥ |
1601 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
Sanskrit |
Mahāyānasūtrālaṁkāraḥ |
1604 |
Prabhakaramitra |
Sanskrit |
Abhidharmasamuccaya |
1605 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
Sanskrit |
Mahāyānottaratantraśāstram |
1611 |
Ratnamati |
Multilan |
treatise on the Ultimate Doctrine of the Great Vehicle (PDF) |
Takasaki |
Sanskrit |
Pañcaskandhaprakaraṇam |
1612 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
1614 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
Shastra on the Door to Understanding the Hundred
Dharmas |
B.T.T.S. |
1624 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
Tibetan |
An Analysis of the Objects of Perception |
A Commentary upon The Analysis of the Objects of
Perception |
1626 |
Devaprajna |
Explanation for Bodhi-Heart, Dharma-realm. etc.
The Mahayana Dharma-realm Without Distinction |
Charles Patton |
Assembly Group (1628 - 1692): |
Sanskrit |
Nyāyapraveśakasūtram |
1630 |
Yiun-Tzorng |
Tibetan |
A Treatise on Valid Perception entitled Entering the Study of
Reasoning |
Sanskrit |
Vigrahavyāvartanī |
1631 |
Vimoksaprajna-rsi & Gautamaruci |
Tibetan |
Turning Back Dispute, a Text Set in Verse |
English |
Averting The Arguments |
Sanskrit |
Śikṣāsamuccayaḥ |
1636 |
Faad Wu |
Sanskrit |
nāma mahāyānasūtram |
1643 |
Yud Tsing |
1654 |
Tibetan |
An Explication of The Essence of Dependent
Origination |
1660 |
Dharmagupta |
The Treatise on the Provisions Essential to Enlightenment
(copyrighted) |
Dharmamitra |
Sanskrit |
Bodhicaryāvatāraḥ |
A Key to Bodhisattva-Practices |
1662 |
Tin Seek Joy |
Chinese |
English |
A Guide To the Bodhisattva Way Of Life |
Engaging in Bodhisattva Behavior |
Alexander Berzin |
Sanskrit |
Bhāvanākramaḥ |
1664 |
Danapala |
1666 |
Tzun-Dai |
English |
The Awakening Of Faith In Mahayana |
Asvaghosha's Discourse on the Awakening of Faith in
Mahayana |
Teitaro Suzuki |
Dutch |
Het Ontwaken van Gelovig Vertrouwen in de Mahayana |
Bhiksuni Rátana |
1675 |
Danapala |
In Praise of The Dharma-Dhatu |
Jim Scott |
The Schools
Group (1851 - 2025): |
1884 |
Imparted by Master Doe-Surn |
Flower Ornament Dharmadhatu Meditation |
Garma C. C. |
1915 |
Imparted by Master Chih-i |
The Dharma Essentials for Cultivating Stopping and
Contemplation |
Dharmamitra |
1978 |
Written by Tan-Liun |
Praise for Amitabha Buddha |
Gathas in Praise of the Buddha Amitaabha |
Charles Patton |
1985 |
Compiled by Wai-Yin |
The Zen Teaching of Rinzai (PDF) |
Irmgard Schloegl |
1986 |
Compiled by Yiu-Fong-Yiun-Sion & Gwork-Ying-Tzee |
Record of Dong-Sarn Lerng-Guy |
William F. Powell. |
2003 |
The Blue Cliff Record |
2004 |
English |
Book of Serenity |
Hungarian |
A nyugalom könyve |
Zsolt Hadházi |
2005 |
English |
Gateless Gate |
Hungarian |
A kaputlan kapu |
Zsolt Hadházi |
2007 |
Compiled by Faad-Hoy |
The biography of the 6th Patriarch of
Dhyana(Zen) School |
English |
Southern School Sudden Doctrine, Supreme Mahayana Great
Perfection of wisdom: The Platform Sutra preached by the
Sixth Patriarch Hui-neng at the Ta-fan Temple in Shao-chou |
Philip B. Yampolsky |
Russian |
2008 |
Compiled by Faad-Hoy |
The biography of the 6th Patriarch of
Dhyana(Zen) School |
The Sixth Patriarch's Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra |
B.T.T.S. |
The 6th Patriarch Platform Sutra |
A.F.Price, Wong Mou-Lam, and Heng Yin |
Sixth Patriarch's Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra, With the Commentary of Tripitaka
Master Hua (PDF) |
2010 |
Written by Tzung-Tsarn |
Faith In Mind |
2012a |
Compiled by Pooid-Yiau |
2012b |
English |
The Dharma of Mind Transmission: Zen Teachings of
Worng-Puc |
Hungarian |
Huang-po tanításai |
Zsolt Hadházi |
2014 |
Written by Yiun-Gork |
A well-known poem |
Wing-Gah's Song of Enlightenment |
2898 |
The High King Avalokitesvara Sutra |